
  1. 杜绝客房除了住宿以及用餐之外的目的使用。
  2. 请勿在宾馆内的客房或走廊等地使用如电熨斗、供暖设备以及烹调器具等加热器具。
  3. 请勿随意打开已锁好的窗户。
  4. 除特定的「吸烟室」外,本宾馆全馆禁烟。请勿于「吸烟室」以外的地方吸烟。特别是请勿在客房及客房的床上吸烟。
  5. 未经本宾馆同意,请勿招揽非本宾馆住宿宾客进入客房或使用本宾馆设备及物品。
  6. 请勿擅自移动馆内或客房内摆放的设备,未经允许不可做任何加工或改动。
  7. 请勿携带以下物品进入本宾馆。
    • A.宠物、鸟禽类等(导盲犬除外)
    • B.有刺激性气味的物品
    • C.数量超出常识范围的物品
    • D.无许可证的武器及刃器等有杀伤性物品
    • E.易燃易爆的火药、挥发性汽油类危险品
  8. 为了能够让每一位入住本宾馆的客人得到很好的休息,请避免发出大声喧嚷、高声唱歌等噪音。严禁在宾馆内进行赌博、扰乱社会风气的行为以及会打扰他人的行为。
  9. 未经同意,禁止在本宾馆内进行向其他客人发放广告宣传品或贩卖物品等推销活动。
  10. 请不要随意把携带物品放置走廊或大厅等公用的地方。
  11. 未成年者无父母或监护人的特别许可,本宾馆将不予接待。
  12. 请自行妥善保管现金和贵重物品。若在宾馆内(包含客房内)发生丢失或盗窃,本宾馆一律不负赔偿责任。
  13. 本宾馆各部门设有代为寄存物品的相关保管责任规定。行李寄存房的保管期间为1个月。
  14. 对于遗失和遗忘的物品,将依据相关法律规定进行处理。


  1. Lounge
    Microwave, computer, TV, DVD player and smoking room are available at the lounge. Guests can use them for free.
  2. Smoking room
    All guest rooms, lobby and lounge in the hotel are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated 'smoking room'.
  3. Check-out time
    Please check-out before 10 a.m.
    (The extension of the checking-out time charge will be 1,000 yen per an hour.)
  4. Room Key
    When you are going out, please return the room key to the front desk.
  5. Coin laundry
    Coin laundry is located on the 1st floor.
  6. Common bathroom
    Shower room is available in every guest room. While a common bathroom is located on the 1st floor. Please contact the front desk if you would like to use it.
  7. Pajama rental service
    Pajama rental service is available at the front desk. The rental fee is JPY200 for one piece.
  8. Valuables
    Please take care of your valuables by yourself. The management is not responsible for valuables lost in the Hotel.
  9. Entrance security
    The guest who returns to the hotel from 12a.m. to 6a.m., has to use the interphone near the entrance, and our staff will open door for you.

    The outsiders cannot enter into this hotel other than the guests. Friends of this hotel’s guest may stay at the lounge.
  10. Others
    Comb, shaving kit and shower cap are available at the front desk at free of charge. Please take it if necessary.
